Freedom ... real freedom ...has a huge price romanian author Adrian Dumitru






I look at a homeless person ... sleeping on the streets ... and i wonder myself... am i really in a better position as this guy?!

... or is just an illusion... the fact that i sleep into a bed ... in a nice house and theoretically looks like i have a better life??

Most certainly that guy is not paying taxes.

Not have any type of bureaucratic problems with the government.

Maybe ... not worry anymore of anything.

The worst ... already happened to him ... so there is nothing else to worry about.

Probably ... he already lost all.

But he still has his body, his mind ... and his soul.

Into my book "The illusion ... of being part of an illusion" ... I've wrote about such abstract things.

So ... who is living the illusion??

Me .... or this homeless person?!

Who is really a free spirit?!

Who is really experiencing the freedom in its absolute form?!

Well ... i am a little bit busy.

I have ... businesses.


I have to worry about paying taxes.

I need to make lots of plans to make the future look even much better than today.

I am involved in lots of things.

... ignoring the idea of freedom.

Totally ignoring that I've enslaved myself to lots of things which are ruining myself.

And i really wonder if i am experiencing the illusion that i am part of an illusion ... or this is actually the normal path i need to follow as a soul into this world.

Somehow ... philosophically speaking ... i dare to believe that the homeless guy is into a better position.

At least .... a better position as myself .

But ... i am not capable yet of admitting it ... and start to disconnect from the actual values i am anchored it.

So ... life continues ... being imprisoned into a prison with invisible walls... feeling that i must change something .... but not moving not even a finger.

I feel ... like any other of you ... above this homeless ... but most certainly i don't know anything about freedom.

And ... maybe i'll never know.

.... cause freedom ... the real one ... has a huge price.

But ... i don't want to pay such a price.

I just... don't ...




Download the book ”INSERT COIN

...and the Universe will give whatever you dream about.
The real philosophy beyond motivation” written by the author writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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